Saturday, April 7, 2007

First Planning Meeting

Well, we had our first planning meeting for the 20 year reunion. It was a small meeting (attended by Dan, Janine and Eva) with some wine and snacks. Surprisingly, we got a lot accomplished and didn't drink too much wine.

We were delegated some tasks/roles and will have another meeting soon. One request for all of you out there is to provide any contact information (email addresses and/or phone numbers) to Dan. Also, you may want to let Dan know if you are going to be coming to the reunion! I sure hope so!



Beth Kemnitz said...

Hi, Vic;

Looking at the list of '87 Grads, I saw Richard Bae's name and wondered if you were aware that he passed away in April.

Glad to see plans are underway for a reunion. Shocking to think it's been that many years when my own daughter is graduating in a few months' time!


Beth Kemnitz (Dickau)

Weren't you in Mrs. Flemmons' grade 2 class at Hellings, too?

Daddy V. said...

Hi Beth,

Thanks for your post. I didn't know about Richard Bae, do you know the details? That's really sad.

I had no idea that you were in Mrs. Flemmons' grade 2 class in Hellings!!! I had no idea that ANYONE from Hellings came to Seaquam. I'll have to get my pictures from my parents.

That's great that you have a daughter that's graduating. Isn't that crazy. As for me, my son just turned 1!!! Http://

I hope that we can expect you for the reunion. There will be more posts coming soon.


Beth Kemnitz said...

Hi, Vic;

I don't know all the details, but the obituary is at I just recognized the name. Shannon Steele also passed away a couple of years ago, too. Very weird to experience these types of things, but I guess it happens when you're getting an up-close look at 40.

I moved to Hellings part way through grade 2 and won't be in pictures until grade 3. A definite jump to "the other side of the tracks" from Hellings to Seaquam!

Congrats on your son; he's very cute and adorable! Remember these days when he's 14 and wants to pierce things ...

Look forward to seeing everyone in September!
