Sunday, September 23, 2007

20th Reunion Down...When is the next?

Wow...what a night. Like a meal that takes hours to prepare and moments to eat, the 20th Seaquam reunion has passed. It was absolutely as blast and FAR too long since seeing many of you. I am trying to get the ball rolling for a 25th reunion (and seem to have some people in agreement).

I commend everyone who turned out, I hope that you all had as fun an evening as I did. It seemed more like we were getting together in the Seaquam cafeteria on the first day of school after summer break and by that I mean it was really comfortable and relaxed. Everyone looked great! For those of you who were unable to make it, please go to:

It was unfortunate that we were unable to play 80's music. Dan and I had worked on a play list earlier this week...with the positive being that I have more music to my MP3 collection...the negative being that I now have 16 hours of Pantera. Other than the inability to play our own music, I think the venue was excellent and the food was good (what I I was too anxious to eat)...the Seaquam Seahawk drink was great. Janine seemed to always have two in hand; obviously, trying to ensure that we hit our alcohol commitment...or should I say ensuring that Eva's tab was hitting our alcohol commitment. ;)

Dan and I were ready to emcee the evening, but things went so fluidly (no pun intended) and naturally, it was unnecessary. I did have a speech that I was going to say at the beginning of the night, but I ended up just putting in Mr. Ward's pocket. Here's what I had written:

"Dear Teachers of Seaquam,

I is happy tonight. It is famtatic…fanatic…good to see you all. Thank you for coming. Thank you for my good edumacation. Everything I learned I learned from youse all. You is the best of the best. Thumbs up…look at crowd.

I hope youse all has a famatic…fanatic…good time tonight. Once again, I is happy tonight. As Mr. Ward teached me, “Use repetition as em-PHA-sis.”

Thank you."

Once again, thank you everyone who attended and hope that you're all available for 2012 (25th grad reunion).

1 comment:

Tanja Rohweder said...

Ok, I will make sure I will come to the next one it looked like everyone had a "what's us got, us got a lot, us got a reunion thats red hot" time (oooooh, basketball cheer flashback). Thanks for posting the pictures they were great for us out of towners/US transplants to see. Looked like everyone was enjoying themselves, especially since the drinks didn't have to be stolen from Wendy Sinclair's parents bar and sipped out of slurpee cups. Cheers to all the organizers and grads! Love, Tanja "god has it been 20 years since Mr. Ward yelled at me" Rohweder