Sunday, September 23, 2007

20th Reunion Down...When is the next?

Wow...what a night. Like a meal that takes hours to prepare and moments to eat, the 20th Seaquam reunion has passed. It was absolutely as blast and FAR too long since seeing many of you. I am trying to get the ball rolling for a 25th reunion (and seem to have some people in agreement).

I commend everyone who turned out, I hope that you all had as fun an evening as I did. It seemed more like we were getting together in the Seaquam cafeteria on the first day of school after summer break and by that I mean it was really comfortable and relaxed. Everyone looked great! For those of you who were unable to make it, please go to:

It was unfortunate that we were unable to play 80's music. Dan and I had worked on a play list earlier this week...with the positive being that I have more music to my MP3 collection...the negative being that I now have 16 hours of Pantera. Other than the inability to play our own music, I think the venue was excellent and the food was good (what I I was too anxious to eat)...the Seaquam Seahawk drink was great. Janine seemed to always have two in hand; obviously, trying to ensure that we hit our alcohol commitment...or should I say ensuring that Eva's tab was hitting our alcohol commitment. ;)

Dan and I were ready to emcee the evening, but things went so fluidly (no pun intended) and naturally, it was unnecessary. I did have a speech that I was going to say at the beginning of the night, but I ended up just putting in Mr. Ward's pocket. Here's what I had written:

"Dear Teachers of Seaquam,

I is happy tonight. It is famtatic…fanatic…good to see you all. Thank you for coming. Thank you for my good edumacation. Everything I learned I learned from youse all. You is the best of the best. Thumbs up…look at crowd.

I hope youse all has a famatic…fanatic…good time tonight. Once again, I is happy tonight. As Mr. Ward teached me, “Use repetition as em-PHA-sis.”

Thank you."

Once again, thank you everyone who attended and hope that you're all available for 2012 (25th grad reunion).

Monday, September 17, 2007

Less than a week to go!

Dear '87 Grads:

Here's an update on the reunion! So far, 86 grads and guests are confirmed for the event (see the list below if you're wondering who'll be there!) ... and more are expected to buy tickets this week or pay at the door. Also, we have a slew of teachers coming (sorry, no hints on who's coming, you have to come and see)!

Last Name of Grad First Name

Akizuki Dave
Akizuki Mike
Bailey Kelly
Berry James
Boulet Michelle
Buchanan Darcy
Chan Eric
Cholette Tina
Clarke and Jeff Tracy
Clarke (Morton) and guest Bonnie
Clayton Russ
Dalton Lisa
De Jong Ingrid
Dickau (Kemnitz) and guest Beth
Drinkle Tracy
Enns (Ruttan) Jennifer
Erwood Kelly
Euverman Shannon
Falkner Tom
Ferstrom Erin
Flint Darren
Forewell (Rau) and Dean Sandra
Freeman Ron
Giffen Mike
Gourley Sue
Halvorson Darren
Hunter Ian
Jensen (Wilson) Christie
Kennedy (Fetherstonhaugh) Sommer and guest Colin
Lofty and guest Jim
Lorentzen (Wang) Rhonda
Lowe D.E
Makin (Findley) and Greg Lana
Maida and guest Natalie
Mantel Kim
Minch Scott
Morris (Landen) and Wes Sharalyn
Nielsen Dan
Olsen and two guests Dean
Park Pat
Partridge Glenn
Poenitz Kim
Price and guest Angie
Radies Dave
Rickett (Clarke) and guest Wendy
Safarik (Levy) and guest Jackie
Schneider Myrna
Scott and guest Deanna
Scott Lorie
Shaw Christie
Shaw Colleen
Siedlacczek Kathy
Silins (Anderson) Sandra
Sim and guest Karen
Sinclair Wendy
Skelton Debbie
Smith Gord
Stevenson and guest Tammy
Tasaka Janine
Therkelsen (Lewis) Eva
Towill David
Wales Jeff
Watts and guest Diane
White Heather
Wilkie (Cuthbert) Karen
Wilkie Shawn
Yahn Gord
Yoon Vic

Important: The organizing commitee is not mailing out tickets - if you've sent ticket money your name will be on a master list at the welcome table when you get to the Alibi Room.
If you mailed or transferred ticket money to Eva Lewis and your name doesn't appear on the attached list please send her an email asap because it means the funds weren't received (it might still be in the mail if you only sent it a couple of days ago).

If you're making a last minute decision about attending the reunion, you have the option of paying at the door ($40 per ticket). Please bring cash or cheque.

Event details:
Saturday, September 22, 2007 - 7pm - 1am
Alibi Room
157 Alexander Street (Main is the closest cross street)
Vancouver, BC
Website - with map and parking details -

We encourage everyone to bring your camera as we will be posting pics of the event on the Seaquam Blog and the Reunion Site on Facebook.

Cheers, and see you all this weekend!

The Organizing Committee (Dan, Sommer, Janine, Kathy, Eva and Vic)